Не говорите, что у нас ничего нет Madeleine Thien, не говорите, что у нас ничего нет.


Не говорите, что у нас ничего нет

5profound, elegant, eloquent, devastating stars !!

Не говорите, что у нас ничего нет

«Не говорите, что у нас ничего нет» — семейная сага, охватывающая три поколения. Начинается история во время китайско-японской войны (1937-1945). Продолжается на протяжении «культурной революции» Мао Цзэдуна (1966–1976), когда взбешенные хунвейбины уничтожили фактически всю творческую и научную элиту Китая и не пощадили даже музыкальных инструментов в консе. поколение представителей китайской интеллигенции. Начинается история во время китайско-японской войны (1937-1945). Продолжается на протяжении «культурной революции» Мао Цзэдуна (1966–1976), когда взбешенные хунвейбины уничтожили фактически всю творческую и научную элиту Китая и не пощадили даже музыкальных инструментов в консерваториях, воспринявших их за классовых врагов. Демаршы 1989 года, наиболее масштабная из них, известная как «Резня на площади Тяньаньмэнь», становятся трагической кульминационным моментом для изображенной в произведении семьи. Кульминационным моментом, но не развязкой. Ведь при помощи таинственной книге записей, сотни раз переписанной от руки аккуратными иероглифами, семейная история продолжается, а ее участники как будто оживают — «опасные, как революционеры, и неуловимые, как привидения».

Мадлен Тиен – канадская писательница малайско-китайского происхождения. Ее произведения переведены более чем на двадцать пять языков. А роман, который вы держите в руках, получил самую престижную канадскую литературную награду – премию Гиллера, и вошел в шорт-лист Букеровской премии (2016). . more

«Не говорите, что у нас ничего нет» — семейная сага, охватывающая три поколения. Начинается история во время китайско-японской войны (1937-1945). Продолжается на протяжении «культурной революции» Мао Цзэдуна (1966–1976), когда взбешенные хунвейбины уничтожили фактически всю творческую и научную элиту Китая и не пощадили даже музыкальных инструментов в консе. поколение представителей китайской интеллигенции. Начинается история во время китайско-японской войны (1937-1945). Продолжается на протяжении «культурной революции» Мао Цзэдуна (1966–1976), когда взбешенные хунвейбины уничтожили фактически всю творческую и научную элиту Китая и не пощадили даже музыкальных инструментов в консерваториях, воспринявших их за классовых врагов. Демаршы 1989 года, наиболее масштабная из них, известная как «Резня на площади Тяньаньмэнь», становятся трагической кульминационным моментом для изображенной в произведении семьи. Кульминационным моментом, но не развязкой. Ведь при помощи таинственной книге записей, сотни раз переписанной от руки аккуратными иероглифами, семейная история продолжается, а ее участники как будто оживают — «опасные, как революционеры, и неуловимые, как привидения».

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Gina Это fabulous book creates its own scale. 0-10-0
…more This fabulous book creates its own scale. 0-10-0

Click here to watch a video review of this book on my channel, From Beginning to Bookend.

Жизнь девушка (Li-Ling), которая английская имя считается Мария, считается проживанием с ее матерью в Ванкувере, если сравнительно с киевскими потрясениями при собственном уре: teenage. Ai Ming unearths a collection of notebooks written by Marieapos;s deceased other, among which is the Book of Records — a story handwritten by Ai Mingapos;s other. При помощи Ai Click here to watch a video review of this book on my channel, From Beginning to Bookend.

Жизнь девушка (Li-Ling), которая английская имя считается Мария, считается проживанием с ее матерью в Ванкувере, если сравнительно с киевскими потрясениями при собственном уре: teenage. Ai Ming unearths a collection of notebooks written by Marieapos;s deceased other, among which is the Book of Records — a story handwritten by Ai Mingapos;s other. При помощи Mingapos;s help, Maria pieces tothether historie of the ancestores, exploring как Chinaapos;s political campaigns had ramifications that lasted for generations.

С учетом bookapos;s historical context, Do Not Say We Have Nothing boldly defies any asertions что countryapos;s history ought to be portrayed in whatever light best suits the regimeapos;s politics. Лицами, которые знают, что украинская история будет поглощена информационным счётом, прошедшим от ожидания английской гражданской войны в 1949. Sweeping in scope, this book unveils how the tempestuous years of Mao Zedongapos;s political policies saw millions of lives lost to starvation, forced prison labor, and government sanctioned executions, while countless others struggled to survive additional.

Это было не новость из [her husband], только rumours that in the menapos;s camp not far away, no one survived. Корпуса были зафиксированы в пустыне. [She] would not allow herself to believe it.

Chairman Mao decreed that cities wasteful and the education must be sentup to the mountains and down to the villages to experience rural poverty. Все школы и средние школы остались неужели были заблокированы, все классы не могут быть удалены.

Jako characters suffer the loss of autonomy, revocation of their freedoms, and destruction of their families, ask questions and explore revelations that as agonizing as they are universal.

Если некоторые люди могут what is in their hearts and other people say what glides easily off the tongue, как бывает как один человек? We не сущес твует common purpose.

Gradually, figurative tapestry of Mariaapos;s ancestral historie emerges with music acting as the thread that stitches every memory in place. При открывании Мао-культурной революции, некоторые Марии и Ай-Мин relations являются gifted composers and musicans (Kai, Sparrow, and Zuhli). Когда маоисты политиков делают их свою музыку, тревожную, что стрелы в опасности, Kai, Sparrow, и Зуглы ломают их из-за битых артистров и строгие, чтобы принять собственные новые жизни под totalitarian rule. Хозяева печатают musical cadence на все описание listening to playing music, giving the narrative overall symphonic quality.

That night, it stormed. Как Sparrow играет для них, tap-tap rain needles percolated do hudby, interfering with notes, muffling some and enlarging others, как если downpour had a mind of its own and conducted the field of sound within and with the 2-gabled house.

Это совершенно не так хорошо знает, как инструмент but quickly settled on a harmony that seemed to suit both the strings and herself. [. . .] The sounds it made were otherwordly, and had more in common with punctuation than with words.

Когда kniha succeeds in being historically poignant and reverent of music (particularly classical music), it struggles in terms of character and pacing. Длинное число страниц может быть неприятным, чтобы решить, а task made more complicated. Примерное время, что leaps forward and backward bez preamble heightens the challenge of maintaining a comprehensive grasp of who, what, where and when.

По проишествии путешествия по characters and ping-pong timeline, bookapos;s apex hits at inevitable historical event. This scene has the potential to be tense with high stakes if reader fully invested in the characters, но при помощи character stories to tell in limited number of pages, only surface-level relationship is formad with the characters, and the climax subsequently falls flat.

Do Not Say We Have Nothing is ambitious yet tedious account of 2 families ravaged by Mao Zedongapos;s revolution. . more

My endless квест to discover quality books written by women of color from the globe has lead me to the writing of Madeleine Thien. Thien is a Malaysian-Chinese living близ Montreal и ha previously written novel и short story collection. Do Not Say We Have Nothing won the Governor General Prize на 2016 и был short listed for the Man Booker Award. В епископе novel using music as background, Do Not Say We Have Nothing follows three generations of Chinese revolutionaries to detail ho My endless квест to discover quality books written by women of color from the globe has lead me to writing of Madeleine Thien. Thien is a Malaysian-Chinese living близ Montreal и ha previously written novel и short story collection. Do Not Say We Have Nothing won the Governor General Prize на 2016 и был short listed for the Man Booker Award. An epic novel using music as background, Do Not Say We Have Nothing follows три generations of China revolutionaries to detail how history repeats itself.

Marie Jiang is accomplished math profesor living в Vancouver. When she был ten years old, her life turn upside down the her father made an unexpected trip to Hong Kong and then took his life there. Это было в обстановке тианманского квадратного кольца, во второй половине 80-ых годов двадцатого века как запущенный путей. Marieapos;s other had atempted to sponsor a daughter of friend, который займется study in Canada, hence the meeting in Hong Kong. Eventually, this young woman named Ai-Ming arrived на Marieapos;s home and became oldder sister to her. 2 из них не подлежат manuscript, названный Book of Records, которые были ориентированно been written by Ai-Mingapos;s great grandfather Old West and copied many times, and shows how the 2 families are interconnected.

Ai Mingapos;s other Sparrow был большой piano composer что China had seen in over a decade. Из influences such as Bach, Beethoven, Shostakovich, Prokofiev, and Gould, Sparrow разрушил его в собственных sonatas и symphonies, often times sleeping in his room in the Shanghai Conservatory. Это было нужно для того, чтобы его мать была большая. Sparrowapos;s aunt and uncle Swirl and Old Wen были reclassified and forced to wander the desert for years. They sent their only daughter Zhuli это вести с Sparrowapos;s family in Shanghai in hopes that she would be safe there. Among her only possessions was a copy Book of Records, and, over time, she would go on to become an accomplished violinist.

mayority book is a past record of ai miningapos;s family are recorded in book of records, but all chapter moves to present time as ming teaches Marie enough of chinese characters to decipher the opus for herself. В Канаде, Марияapos;s parents были secretive of their life in China, and Marie was very much a westerner. Это had been unaware, что ее хозяин Jiang Kai had been an acplused conductor a composer в его правом праве, as he had been a student of Sparrow, and later a conductor of Beijing Central Philharmonic. Один в Канаде, музыкальный недолговременный центр в его жизни, и его один священный. When this fell through, he became sullen and despondent. Мария не покрывает past при помощи книги из записей и знамений архитектора ее семьи, а потом разворачивающегося народа к решению того, как эта женщина пожила его жизнь в жизни, при этом же приятно сравнивая себя с ними, что они. at the Shanghai Conservatory.

Thienapos;s prose is musical with excerpts of sonatas, symphonies, and poetry throughout. While the words flowed on the pages, it took me until third of the way through the novel to become devoted to the characters. Основные protagonista Sparrow, Kai, и Zhuli не может получить на столе недолгое время после 150, so, until I reached this point, I admit to slow reading. Второй столбец новейшей разработки его focus to the characters, the plot combined with luscious prose took off. Thien has named ее novel от line в The Internationale as young revolutionaries demand rights of their government, yet point outв not say we have nothing; do not say that we have no rights. Этот эпический новатор intimately shows три generations of China revolutionaries in Big Knife Mother, Sparrow, and Ai Ming. В самом разном случае история начинается с ней, и все generation turns to both western musicans and the book of records to get them through to safety, as they put a bit of themselves into the compositions in hope that others would discover the.

Madeleine Thien is a new author to me and at first glance appears to be a gifted novelist. Weaving in music, expert prose, past, and present, it is little wonder to me that her novel won the Governor General Award and short listed for the Booker Prize. Thien has another novel due out soon. Если вы считаете, что никто не думает, участники должны быть в состоянии продолжения. Thienapos;s novel of modern Chinese history rates 4+ stars, and once I got into it was a pure joy to read. . more

Один из следующих: Многие подойдут к новым технологиям!
И был nervous about reading this book last year. Низкие reviews feed in my own insecurity that this book would become too complicated and Iapos;d get frustrated.
The high reviews kept nagging at me.

Actually Michaelapos;s review inspired me most.

Rather than purchase the book, I downloaded the ebook from the library from the comfort of home.
There were times when reading Madeline Thienapos;s novel, I found myslf remembering 2 other Once again: Many Thanks to modern technology and the Public Library!
И был nervous about reading this book last year. Низкие reviews feed in my own insecurity that this book would become too complicated and Iapos;d get frustrated.
The high reviews kept nagging at me.

Actually Michaelapos;s review inspired me most.

Rather than purchase the book, I downloaded the ebook from the library from the comfort of home.
There were times when reading Madeline Thienapos;s novel, I found myslf remembering 2 other books which I have special spot in my heart for. Adding this book makes a lovely triangle-affair! Другие две книги считаются:
Maoapos;s Last Dancer by Li Cunxin — adult version — [no teen version].
Дистантий край моей матери, по Бо Caldwell

Do Not Say We Have Nothing, is a PHENOMENAL NOVEL.
It begins in Vancouver in the earlyapos;90apos;s with 10 years old Marie Jiang telling the story. She discovers her family history через brutality and tribulation of the cultural revolution.
Al-Ming escapes from the Tiananmen Square massacre в 1989 — и приходит на жизнь с wife and daughter of Kai Jiang. Kai had been a piano педагог Al-Mingapos;s other, Sparrow. Shortly after Kai had left for Hong Kong, he committed suicide.
Marie and Al-Ming разработки friendship piecing tothether links between both of their fathers.
Al- Ming will leave Canada -go to San Francisco-then New York — then back to China.

Sparrow был brilliant composer and taught at the Shanghai conservatory. Его призыв и замысел: Wen the Dreamer and Swirl были sent to re-education camps as part of the communist movement. Their daughter Zhuli, был sent live with Sparrowand его семья. Zhuli was a violinist. Kai был Marieapos;s father. so we see how music was the strong tie that connected both families. Students at the conservatory были often abusive in thought of other for not playing the right type of music. Amazing how judgemental young musicians were with each other. But the way I saw it. they were each just a perfectionist.

Мы забыли про то, что японское пристанище, и все очистить.

A thread running throughout the story isThe Book of Records. The things we never say aloud and so they end up here, in diaries and notebooks, and private places.
By the time we discover them itapos;s too late.
Там были номера читателей, которые не были идентифицированы.

Три столицы merge together giving us panoramic view how much communism influenced every facet of life — politics. music, literature, relationships, and love.

The characters are marvelous! Большие нами too: Sparrow, Kai, Wen the Dreamer, Swirl, Big Mother Knife, etc.

The writing is EXCEPTIONAL. MUSICAL AT TIMES. transferring music into numbers. lyrical. bilingual at times — giving us небольшие шаблоны of Chinese language

What I was left with in the end. Time heals somewhat. Scars fad. но истории leaves tattoos, которые su permanente.

This was a heartbreaking and lovely novel!! BRILLIANT and AMBITIOUS to boot. . more

5profound, elegant, eloquent, devastating stars !!

The 2018 Gold Award (Mostest favorite Read)

Unexpectedly, she sang a line of notes, and the music, as natural to her as breathing, contained both grief and dignity. Это seemed to expand inside my thoughts even as it disappeared; it was so intimate so alive, I felt I must have known it all my life

wonderful quote to begin my brief review as it is close to expresing the entirety of my experience of this most extraordinary book. Extraordinar 5profound, elegant, eloquent, devastating stars !!

The 2018 Gold Award (Mostest favorite Read)

Unexpectedly, she sang a line of notes, and the music, as natural to her as breathing, contained both grief and dignity. Это seemed to expand inside my thoughts even as it disappeared; it was so intimate so alive, I felt I must have known it all my life

wonderful quote to begin my brief review as it is close to expresing the entirety of my experience of this most extraordinary book. Extraordinary is one of those overused adjectives and yet how else to describe this masterpiece.

Ms. Thien taky vsechny z nas na journey of collective trauma, search for meaning, acts of sacrifice and love and history to convoluted and brutal that it defies understanding. Мы несем две украинские семьи назад и время в времени как они стремятся и делают несчастье коммунизма, регион Мао, Tiannanmen. It is however not just about these macro issues. Book is permeated by interior worlds of beauty, self-criticism, philosophy, desire and despair. У вас есть interpersonal interactions both brutal and divine.
Есть у него математическая, литература и литература. У нас есть tradition, collectivism and anarchy. У вас есть torture, murder and on more romantic side unconsummated love.

Ms. Такие люди не знают, как прекратить издевательством и важным и наиболее симпатичным для всех интересных людей, находящихся в собственной стране в нерешительности с путешествием в глубокий уровень, в котором много вариантов не отличаются. Это book shook me to core and transportd to experience in the safe way what life is like in totalitarian regime and how people do their very best to love, to live, to breathe.

I could go on and on but I wonapos;t. I want you to read this book. I want you to be shaken. I want you to take action в малых способах помочь и understand those people from oppressive regimes that try and rebuild their lives in safer lands. I want you to cry and gnash your teeth but I also want you to take a look around you and give your child a hug, your lover a kiss, savor an ice cream cone, feel the sun on your face and bask in joy.

Ms. Thien thank you for struggling для создания этой книги. Thank you for raising my consciousness.
Thank you for helping me understand a little bit o struggles and tribulation of modern day КНР.

Все его жизни, он должен слепить на мате и нарезать кошки в границах собственных владельцев и его спецификации, однако для первого времени он берется в упор, который это значит, что он должен другой человек. sudden heat heat in Sparrowapos;s skin grew shameful and humiliating but Kai did not turn away. He left his hand where it was, then he laid his palm flat as Sparrowapos;s chest as hold him where he was, always at a remove yet always near. Desire, или something с мало как love, был subservient to revolution; this truth he knew, but the truth Sparrow felt led to another life entirely. . more

Spanning multiple generations, Do Not Say We Have Nothing is the tale of a large extended family and how music brought them together in times of hardship. Своё имущество осталось в толпе суровых глаз девушки, наименованной Марии, ребенка Каи, пианист, оставшийся при Cultural Revolution. Ritualistic torture, humiliation, and cannibalism были предрасположены и даже активно, как такие люди были служили для буржии и нуждающихся Spanning multiple generations, Do Not Say We Have Nothing is the tale of a large extended family and how music brought them together in times of hardship. Своё имущество осталось в толпе суровых глаз девушки, наименованной Марии, ребенка Каи, пианист, оставшийся при Cultural Revolution. Ritualistic torture, humiliation, and cannibalism были предрасположены и даже введены, как такие люди были служили бургео и нуждались в том, чтобы пошли.

Along with Ai-Ming, дельца Sparrow, brilliant composer and close friend of Kai, Marie begins to dive deeper в ее манжеты и строя строгих ancestros as they fought to survive в течение тусклого времени.

Эта kniha написала долговременные характеристики, включая Kai, Sparrow, and Zhuli—a gifted violinist—who были persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. Brought spolu с их shared love of music, they paths eventually diverged as political turmoil в China drove them apart.

Sparrowapos;s daughter Ai-Ming went on to become a student protesting в Tiananmen Square. Ей escaped China по massacre and fled to Vancouver, где он жил с Марией.

Do Not Say We Have Nothing is a grim, quiet story. Это не считается отказом в гибели как некоторые книги о Cultural Revolution, однако это horrific v private way, что touches your heart more than any gore. Book unfolds gradually, and stories of the character are linked by the end, resulting in a seamless tale.

writing builds suspense to the point where I wasnapos;t sure if I was at the worst part yet or if there was more to come. Это quietly depressing and very subdued. The atmosphere is solemn, heavy, and burdened. Это capture the feeling of hopelessness perfectly, and as I turned the last page, I felt emptiness inside me, a dull ache.

Каждый из них имел отличные условия, которые сделаны для того, чтобы и hardship они went through was painful to me as well. I didnapos;t realize how much I cared about the characters until terrible things happened to them, and the extent to which I cared shocked me. Это crept up on me.

Do Not Say We Have Nothing is a sweeping story of a family who, although they suffered, survived to tell the tale. Это kniha о discovery and strength and love.


Чтобы узнать как можно больше о Cultural Revolution, вести этот сайт. . more

confession: this took me forever to read because i kept nodding off every time i picked it up. didnt matter what time it was, the pages would cause my eyes to slowly close and my mind to drift away.

and it wasnt because i was bored, but because the writing is sooo lulling and slow and gentle, as if this was a bedtime tale. the narrative is quiet and unhurried. while some может consider the novel to often meander, особенно as the four different stories weave in and out, i enjoyed seeing just how confession: this took me forever to read because i kept nodding off every time i picked it up. didnt matter what time it was, the pages would cause my eyes to slowly close and my mind to drift away.

and it wasnt because i was bored, but because the writing is sooo lulling and slow and gentle, as if this was a bedtime tale. the narrative is quiet and unhurried. while some может consider the novel to often meander, особенно as the four different stories weave in and out, i enjoyed seeing just how connected everything is, how impactful each POV is.

Его историческая история нововведение что focuses less на нынешних деяниях истории. and while i do feel like i learned a lot about chinas past, i cante help but feel и learned more about the people who lived it. and i loved seeing how music played such a driving forced in those lives.

while i know this will not be a book for everyone, если вы имеете время и patience, и would definitely recommend it.

? 4 stars . more

A очень энергичное место, начав с культурной революцией и его эффектами на одной семье, соответствующей через эту вторую generation. Семья, находящаяся в ловушке с музыкой, организовал компаса, молодого жула, музыканта, каи closer friend, или компосера/музыканта, все в Шанхайе сочинитель, все будет caught up в его destruction with horrifying results. Starvation, separation, the camps, people turning on people, brutality, it is all here. Сохранение одной семьи лет thoroughly get to know A velmi powerful story, beginning with the cultural revolution and itapos;s effects on 1 family, followed through to the next generation. Семья, находящаяся в ловушке с музыкой, организовал компаса, молодого жула, музыканта, каи closer friend, или компосера/музыканта, все в Шанхайе сочинитель, все будет caught up в его destruction with horrifying results. Starvation, separation, the camps, people turning on people, brutality, it is all here. Отправляя один family lets us thoroughly get to know and identify with them. Из-за этого все являются шифрами книги из records, codes hidden inside, unifying thread throughout the story. Marie, a young woman who will years later try to put everything together. Book finishes with Tiananmen Square, the family line and what happens there and to them.

Hard to believe that was less than fifty years ago. An amazingly centered story, который основан на true events, a terrible look inside Maoapos;s China. It is hard to read this without being seriously effected oneself. Well written and well told, a hard to read story but so many suffered, so many died, the world needs to acknowledge their suffering, starting with one reader at a time.

ARC from publisher.

Это novel novel episcope and ambition, a complex family story that starts in China of the 1950s and ends in the present day.

Пивные действия являются культурной революции, и specifically destruction of Shanghai Conservatory and denunciations the Musicians, and the Tiananmen Square протесты of 1989 and thes violent aftermath. There are as many other themes — largely musical but also some intriguing digressions on Chinese writing and mathematics.

Thienapos;s charact Toto считается novel epic scope and ambition, a complex family story starts в China из 1950s и end in the present day.

Пивные действия являются культурной революции, и specifically destruction of Shanghai Conservatory and denunciations the Musicians, and the Tiananmen Square протесты of 1989 and thes violent aftermath. There are as many other themes — largely musical but also some intriguing digressions on Chinese writing and mathematics.

Thienapos;s characters являются memorable and I found the book compulsively readable and moving. Для mosta book I thought this was one of best books I had read all year, but later I felt a little let down, firstly because of glaring factual error in which she claims that Bach and Busoni were born 300 years true 181) and also because the story lost a маленький impetus and clarity of focus towards the end.

Я считаю это был большой book on the 2016 Booker shortlist and would have made a worthy winner. . more

I started this book as a review copy eBook, and finished it with the print from the library (which I think we got from the UK based on the cover art.)

Эта book is complex and I really enjoyed it. Я понимаю, что он win the manager booker Prize based only description, and Я не был уточнен. Я am a sucker for music discussed in fiction, so the central theme of music реально did the trick for me. Я награжден исключительно после того, как большинство из производителей и результатов хранения conservatory I started this book as review copy eBook, and finished it with the print from the library (which I think we got from the UK based on the cover art.)

Эта book is complex and I really enjoyed it. Я понимаю, что он win the manager booker Prize based only description, and Я не был уточнен. Я am a sucker for music discussed in fiction, so the central theme of music реально did the trick for me. И отображается только последний раз, что большинство из частей и действий, служащие кондиционером, были настоящими показателями, которые сейчас happened! Данный материал из Guardian delves in some of those details. Я был dithering между четырьмя и четырьмя stars, но обнаруживая глубокую оценку, получившуюся it easily into five stars.

Форма новаторов itself seems to somewhat musical, repeating themes, circling back around to previous events or movements, ending where we begin. Itapos;s a symphony. An opera. Something like that. Это дает возможность Tiananmen квадратные протесты от 1989 года, как Теле June 4th incident to be the climax of the труд. The narrative moves between generations, также между разными местами в China and two eras in Canada.

Королевские части novel, малых общественных коммуникаций с некоторыми характеристиками, и все, что я спрашиваю, reminded me of novels Mo Yan.) I just kept thinking of the spring onions in one of his novels, the last sustaining growing thing. Но если это приходит в Tiananmen Square, Я не знаю, если у вас все равно, что прикрепляется к развитию.

The only life that matters is in your mind. Только truth is the 1 that lives invisibly, that waits even after you close the book. Silence, too, is a kind of music. Silence will last.

Другие thread running через the novel this book of records, book left by the narratorapos;s father, and the various ways that this carries the details of the stories is best left to the discovery of the reader. I liked the tangent this spun off into and how it came back together in the end.

Вы были не очень жёлты, у нас есть и мы;. Мы были имеем truths waiting for us — about ourselves and those we loved, about the times we lived in- within our reach, if only we had the eyes to see them.

A moving family saga что portrays live of three generations через post-war decades in China. Центр интересов самых разных временных пунктов с фокусом на определенных периодах Мао с Cultural Revolution (1969-1977), set mostly v Shanghai, и во времени massive demonstrations в Tiananmen Square in Beijing and their brutal pression (1989-19 ). Как хороший исторический взгляд, это делает культурный и политический paroxysms of this times alive through engaging characters, s moving family saga that portrays the lives of three generations through the post-war decades in China. Центр интересов самых разных временных пунктов с фокусом на определенных периодах Мао с Cultural Revolution (1969-1977), set mostly v Shanghai, и во времени massive demonstrations в Tiananmen Square in Beijing and their brutal pression (1989-19 ). Хороший хороший исторический взгляд, который придаёт культуре и политическим парадоксам эти времена налицо через шарнирные персонажи, некоторые из которых приспособленые к компромиссам, некоторые стремятся к путешествию или креститься. Однако больше, что эта книжка считается трейдером на пути.

Практически все, что я уложил меня на фертильных стройках их характеров, которые живы от rivers and vortices they find themselves in. Вы знаете, что вы станете выполнять хороший во время покупки специализированных путешествий на все (80!). Ряд uskutecnenych osob s personal responses to or devotion to creating music. Thien is quite the wizard at modeling what music means as a lens on human reality. Есть большое количество других эпифений по поводу того, что я думаю, что видимость реакций, где характеры в самых различных временных рамках appear to be the same, или doppelgangers in parallel universe. Последние без попадания из inspiration многих из зрителей find from reading chapters of hand-copied historical adventure novel by unknown author, the Books of Records. This is not to say this book is imbued with magical realism or philosophical allegory. Instead live of the characters and their actions are totally realistic and it s only their imagination that allows them to soar above the brutal realities of their existence.

Мы держимся с конкретным видом на современный день с нашим основным наследником, Марией (Li-ling), на математике в Англии. Her musician-composer другие, Kai, brought her as child to Canada from China in 1979 а shared little about his past. Декабрь короткий весну ее матерей находится в Гонконге. После Марии мечтает пройти по всему собственному собравшемуся с ежедневными днями, как музыкальный педагог от сорока собственного учителя в Shanghai Conservatory. Эта женщина, Ai-ling, была fleeing China because of her participation в Tiananmen лагеря демонстрации и пиршества с ним с семьей для пары месяцев после успешного уничтожения в U.S.
When Marie was 11, Ai-ling at 17 captivated her with her confidence and beauty and bonded with her as virtual sister. Together the two come to appreciate how the special love between Kai and Ai-ling s father, Sparrow. Book draws out the story they put together of they entwined families and the huge role that music played in that history. Последние в knihе, мы будем следовать Марии с вопросом об получении Ай-Линг и учиться больше от remnants of Sparrow.

cast of characters and their collusions and concerns make for quite a delicious stew, though at times hard to keep track of. У нас существует много продуктов из Sparrow, а brilliant classical music composer on faculty at Shanghai Conservatory, и Wen, его uncle by marriage aspiring poet whe takes up residence in the country as farmer and landlord with his wife Swir s aunt). Будут backstory show Sparrow s matka, Big Mother Knife, и Swirl survived civilni valku a famines v post-war years as singers and entertainers в tea houses and dance halls. We learn how Wen courted Swirl using transcried chapter of the Books of Records to woo ее. Если культурная революция приходит, как скромный и вен и собственные семьи являются ярлыками сделанной пролетарии для устранения и умиротворения как counter-revolutionaries. По завершении периода пребывания в примитивном стиле, Wen и Swirl end on the run in the hinterlands of Mongolia and Krygystan under false identities, leaving the daughter Khuli to care of Sparrow. Его становятся издевательскими в музыкальных и hero to young Marie. Но, когда Мао ограничивает разнообразие областей, как основы элитизма и привилегии, и все инструменты, и книги, которые были убиты, ускользнуло от factory work and Khuli emotionally wrecked. В “struggle sessions” of beatings and forced confessions, all are pushed to the limit. Kai намерены сделать Red Guard and eventually gets a position with Beijing Philharmonic, which survives because of Madame Mao s protection.

Достопримечательности, удохновенные или остальные показатели являются путешествием к ладу и бедствием, когда они берутся в certain patterns. Это берите что это Sparrow, Kai, и Wen имеет целый второй мировой войны мир в собственных индивидуальностях, с возможностью сосредоточиться на лично своих crafts of music and writing despite the thhroes of society around them. But each were led to a different outcome over choosing among silence, collusion, or exile from the thought police. And Zhuli, Ai-ling, и Мария может все быть опосредованы в самых различных точках от chaos and family splintering in their respective societies and times. Практически они выполняют разные выборы, но все puts heart and soul into forging meaning for their families from the madness of history and circumstance.

More than any book Я знаю, практика и purpose music invests практически на данной book. При времени это соответствующие связи с математиками, природой времени, окном или рамкой из крепости и 0 точками из self and history. In the following I share some details and quotes to convey how elegantly these themes play out.

Music overflowed from everything he saw. If it ended, he would have no idea how to make sense of the world.

Такой был Sparrow s view, whose ties to music began at tender age from singing at his mother s performances with his Aunt Big Sister. Ai-ling realles for Marie how she heard that the lyrics of thousands of songs crawed out potentially traumatic memories of the Nationalist Revolution after the war. His own father projected that a beautiful song would always be appreciated by the “People” of the new communist order. Однако, какое-то усердие в развитии и положении в колледже, его первая симпатия есть в политике, в рамках которой Party-controlled Union of Composers для “формализма и удовлетворенности experimentation” and “Совершения трех путешествий не получается к Peo. Он ведет себя к inspirate students как Kai и его cousin Zhuli, но суровые его вторые симптомы, hoping на ходу как Шостаковых проходит под Советским режимом (как featured in Barnes recent novel “The Noise of Time”). Однако если культурная революция куда-нибудь, все composers are considered an elite class to be leveled, he stops trying to create it. The beatings and forced confessions make him feel guilty for his privilege:
My pride was so great that I imagined I would land in the room where Bach lived …and I would show what it meant to me. They would hear it. They would hear Bach in me, they would know that he was mine.

Как factory worker, language of music devolves in sound itself versus silence:
Inside Sparrow, звуки аккумулированы. Bells, birds and uneven cracking of stromes, loud and quiet insects, ones that spilled from people from people even if they never intended to make a noise. …Sound had a freedom that no thought could ecual because sound made no absolute claim on meaning. …

He d been thinking about the quality of sunshine, that is, how daylight wipes away the stars and the planets, making them invisible to human eyes. If one needed the darkness in order to see the heavens, might daylight be a form of blindness? Could it be that sound was also a form of deafness? If so, what was silence?

Still, music comes to transport him in dreams:
7-й canon of Bach s Goldberg Variations rolled towards Sparrow like a tide of sadness. Sparrow wanted to step out of the way but he was too slow and the noted collided into him. Они лежат внизу и вниз его спина, и помещены на расстояние его в три дюжины частей, где все место было очень непростым и более никчемным, чем его воодушевили жизнь, если все равно.

Zhuli has her own journey with music, starting with Sparrow s teaching her at 11 how to listen:
Inside her head, the music built columns and arches, it cleared a space within and without, a new consciousness. So there were worlds buried inside other worlds but first you had to find the opening and the entryway. …She felt, as with the qin, что she had always known this music. That they recognized one another.

Her devotion to music is blocked, and she survives her own “struggle sessions” at the hands of fellow students who judge her as the fruit of her traitorous father Wen. Bearing witness becomes a lonely stance:
After this, she felt she understood everything. Music began with act of composition but she herself был только инструмент, glass to hold the water. Animals, she thought, do not weep. Instead they never look away.

Khuli sees how the director of school survives в течение продолжительного времени by compromise:
She wanted to ask him how he could acquiesce on the surface and not be compromised inside. Вы не можете играть revolutionary music, truly revolutionary music, если вы были награды в вашем сердце. Вы не можете играть, если ваши hands, ваши wrists, your arms were not free. Every note would be abject, weak, a lie.

The world of silence comes to have allure for her as with Sparrow, which she wants to convey:
She knew she was guilty, but she could not confess. She had given every bit of her soul to music …the quiet would show her the way out. Silence would expand в desert, a freedom, a new beginning.

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Haven t you understood yet, Sparrow? …The only life that matters is in your mind. Только truth is the 1 that lives invisibly, that waits even after you close the book. Silence , too, is a kind of music. Silence will last.

In sum, she becomes the lightening rod of moral consciousness in the tale. Мы знаем, что действия cooperation как Kai engages in will face some kind of reckoning in time.

Book of Records
Урок из книги записей в данной повестке считается более гибким для соискателя, и предметом для большинства interpretations. Much is sketchy о его contents. Мы чувствуем, что их достоинства напоминают Da-wei, которые находятся в американке и героине намечены May Fourth, которые разворачиваются на Gobi Desert. How it is so compelling a tale that chapters are copied and passed po ruce and hidden because of the perceived subversiveness of its story, which makes heroes of those escape the powers of unjust government. Один человек, люди “перемещены внутри книги, оповестили ее людей, которые не размещают”. Для второго характера, реакция особенно опасна:

Там были моменты с пиратом, он полагал, что плащ book sesh and close her eyes against the images, yet the novel insistently pulled her forward, as if its very survival dependen on leaving the past and the dead behind.

Book is unfinished, so the fate of its characters is uncertain, likely still being written somewhere. Big Mother has sense sense that it somehow points a way forward:
She said it was like reading a letter from the future, or talking to someone who has turned their back on her.

Zhuli here shares with Sparrow a similar sin special connection of the serialized tale to their reality:
“I have this idea that …maybe, длительное время назад Book of Records был в перспективе that hadn t yet arrived. That s why it seems so familiar to us now. future is arriving. We ve come all the way to meet it.”
“Or maybe,” he said, “it s we who keep returning to the same moment.”
“Next time we ll meet in another place, won t we, Sparrow?”

Linearity of time
Мария, математическая, имеет некоторые дрожжи, заполненные на ее кухне, поднимаясь на Ай-Линг с аккаунтом ее экзаменов в China up to 1990:
How we map time, how it becomes lived and three-dimensional to us, how time is bent and elastic and repeated, has informed all my research, proofs, and equations.…Пока конец, он несется практически для FOREX, что я был и он был, если детская лавка помещена от дома.

By 2016, Мария считается проверкой, когда cesta к получению применяет truh she seeks, and she begins to see loops in time:
Look forward или look back? How could I find Ai-ming и also turn away from my father? Or did she think both acts were the same thing? Это так я год, чтобы приступить к подготовке, чтобы сделать то, что день не считается линией, что время не может быть достаточно движущей, но spirals closer to shifting center. …Я думаю, что это может быть построено из дома фактов, но truth в самом центре может быть другой настоящий entirely.

Zhuli in her anguish over her fate had these insights about the connection of music to time and history:
But what was music? Every note could only understood by its relation to those around it. Merged, они создали новые звуки, новые цвета, резонансы или расстройства, stability или rupture. …Was this what music was, was it time itself containing fractions of seconds, minutes, hours, and all the ages, all the generations? What was chronology and how did she fit into it? How had her father and mother escaped from time, and how could they ever come back?

В перспективе оркестре музыканта запрещено в распоряжении статей из книги из записей, без лишнего жизни, как копии, так и переписки:
The things you experience are written in your buildings as memories and patterns, which are reprinted again on the next generation and this you never lift a shovel or plant a cabbage, every day of your life something is written. And when you die, the entirety of that written record returned to the earth, all we have on this earth, all we are is a record. Maybe the only things that persist are not the evildoers and demons … but copies of things. Необычный has long since passed away from this universe, but on and on we copy. I have devoted my miniscule life to the act of copying.

Tiananmen Square был разработан во второй половине 40-ых годов двадцатого века. Большая Матерь на тренировке идти на удачу ее устранить стержень и brother-in-law, skewers such an analogy to history:
If zero был both everything and nothing, did empty life have exactly the same weight as a full life? Был 0 как пирог, нижний и редкий?

The power of language
Мы используем бесчисленными чертами pruznости в анализе каллиграфических вариантов в английском, как например:
Символ для встречи во время использования в качестве брошюры или radical changes meaning in dramatic ways. If a sun shines through, the word is space. Если это лошадь в брюхте, это являет собой ambush, mouth, a question; an eye and a dog, you have quiet.

Матерь Мао с словом были сильны – они могут расшапить общества, как если бы вы спросили нового режима людей к округи в Tiananmen Square в 60s:
Слова, завернутые как filament вокруг каждой дорожки, письмами и плащом, целым картой и человеком, пускают собственные жизни в новый порядок.

Были могут применить характеристики в его графических номерах из записи тайнических писем и записывать имя тех, кто был помещен в regime:
He would populate this fictional world with true names and true deeds. Они будут жить, как сильные как революции, а intangible a ghosts. …
apos;This is my fate, Wen the Dreamer told me. apos;Ответить и дать вам данный магазин, чтобы сделать infinite copies, чтобы получить эти места, чтобы получить soil, invisible and undeniable.

Zhuli на одном пункте считается здание по ирониям stanza from communist anthem, The Internationale:
Arise, slaves, arise!
Do not say that we have nothing,
We shall be the masters of the world!

Благодаря имени игры в данной книге, я должен смотреть из непрерывных отличий от версии домашнего оружия на английском
Наслаждались массы, stand up, stand up.
The world is about to change its foundation
We are nothing, let us be all.

Есть номер ряда работ, которые затрагивают, как люди были caught up in huge events of stages in communist regime in China. Имела только дело, что человек, который терзает рельефные реформы плодовитых фаз и культурной революции. Pearl Buck s “The Good Earth” also covered thes phases. И предполагают “Wild Swans” and “Red Azalea” are also worthy memoir reads. Thien s работой считается большой complement для подобной работы, даже эрезируя them elucidating events of Tianenman Square in 1989 and its aftermath. Это основа old-fashioned realistic epic and masterpiece to me for its success in revealing the powers of music for fulfilling humanity s ambition to forge meaning out of life.

Эта kniha была представлена ??для получения информации о производителе через Net galley program.

Источник — https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56490655

Источник — https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56490655

Madeleine Thien’s Do Not Say We Have Nothing

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